Friday, December 5, 2008

what's new...

since it's a long time since my last's obvious that i've done quite a lot. i've been traveling a lot lately and i'm now involved in many new projects. in this post i've decided that i want to tell you about my new projects. i've got at the moment two new is about a radio station in my school and the other one is about a dj crew and about me being a dj with two of my friends.

the radio project is a great thing for my personal development and for building my skils in this domain. prior to the opening of the station we had some training going on..about a month or so with emil sabu, the local ProFM dj being our teacher. we neded all this skils when the big day...the opening day. because this was a special day, george vintila, a very important ProFM dj and MTV vj camed to start the radio station. i was in nineth heaven when i heard that george vintila will come in my high school and that i've got to meet him in person! this was only the begining cause everybody from the school treated us like vips. this was...probably my best school day i'm ever going to have!

enough about the it's time to tell you about the most important project that i've got now. this is the project that realy excites me!'ve guessed...i'm talking about becoming a dj and being a part of a dj crew! it all started one morning in sibiu (european cultural capital in '07) when i was at a caffee withmy friends sergiu and csaby. we were talking about music...trance music when we started to talk about armin van buuren (no.1 dj in the world acording to we realised that we might have a chance in producing music just like armin does and since csaby and sergiu allready started work on a new song and i have produced music in the past we should work together and produce killer hits! this is the it's time to start the work so...i'll keep you up to date! until then...i wish you all the best!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

school starts

so it's saturday september 13. the summer will end september 15th at 9 o'clock when the new school year will start. in my opinion the summer starts when the summer break starts and the summer ends when we go back to school. the summer is the time when i can do all i want, i don't have to think that tomorrow i will go to school, it's the best time of the year. i don't think that being a high school student in romania is fair because we have 8 hour school days at least twice a week. my parent work 8 hours and they are payed! the head of the ministry of education gave some laws about being illegal to stay in school more than 6 hours a day and school days starting earlier than 8 o'clock. i hope that this year the rules will be respected and we'll feel better in school because until now the rules weren't respected. i'm angry right now at romanian headmasters for thinking that we are students to learn, and that is all we should do and probably that is way i want so badly to go and study in a foreign country. i want to see the mentality there and the way that the people there think about having fun learning. theoretically we're having fun learning in romania too but we learn too much and a lot of things that won't be usefoul to us not even in college. probably i'm to angry right now and i should end my post here because it will take forever if not. sorry for the sudden end of my post!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

my vetca experience

now, reading the interns blogs i wish i had my blog earlier this summer so i can share my experience in camp with you. anyway i can tell you about my experience at vetca this year, although i was there only for two weeks excepting work week. at first i taught it's going to be easy, no sentiments involved, i just translate and that's all. after my first day in camp i began to realize that it's something more. at first the kids weren't so enthusiastic about being in my team but soon after they started to cheer with us and do anything they could to get the points. first week of camp for me was more like getting used to camp and activities there.
unfortunately the last day of the second "week one" came and tears began to appear in people's eyes. even the kids that i never thought will cry after camp cried their eyes out. this was one of the most emotional moments of the second week.
the seventh "week one" was great! i had a great team, the kids in my team were enthusiastic and all of them wanted ti win. unfortunately we were on the second to last place in the end. i can't say very much about this week because almost all went according to plan. the worst thing in the seventh week was that brian had food poisoning, but god lifted him from pain and cured him. all i remember is that about 2 am brian and ovi were talking in the tent and after that brian, brian (briman) and ovi went to the hospital.
after that was the time to break down camp vetca. everyone worked hard so we finished the job in just a day and a half. i had a great time breaking down the camp, or better say riding on the roof of the van, being chased by dogs and stealing corn from people's gardens.
i just want to thank for all the friends i meet in camp! all in all it was a great experience for me in camp vetca this summer!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Hi there! I'm excited to finally have my blog! That's all for now but I'll be back soon with new posts. See you!